“Being a creative is not a choice, being creative is.”
The fact that one is a creative is not initially apparent to the individual inflicted or the uncreatives in their life. [1] Over a period of time the creative realizes that they are not like everyone else. Passionate, sensitive (to everything), inquisitive, open minded, idealistic, contemplative and relentless in their search for truth. This fact, as uncomfortable as it may be, is way better than the alternative to the creative—being normal. Immersed in uncertainty, the creative explores their own existence internally, in fear of being shunned by society. But soon artifacts leak out and the act of creating has begun.
Creating is euphoric and mystical, making it essential to to the creative’s existence. The problem now becomes a "what the f3ck just happened" moment. An object is created, but the creative has no idea what happened, or even more important if they had anything to do with it. Nevertheless, there it is. Soon adulations abound, wow some affirmation for being different, but then the dreaded question: "What does it mean?" Funny, because that is the same question the creative has been asking since the process began.
The creative's answer is only more feasible because they have spent more time and energy with the piece, but that does not make it right. As humbling as realizing one is merely a vessel for some unseen entity(s) is, you are filled with the purpose of staying connected. In due time the creative learns how to turn on those juices at will. Exhilarated by the fact, they soon realize a life in this mindset is unsustainable (eating, sleeping and hygiene are necessities), so turning off this state of being is as essential as turning it on.
Once the craft of entering and exiting is mastered, maneuvering through this labyrinth becomes your next obsession. The creative soon learns how to engage in a sort of dialogue with whatever energies you share in this dimension. Carefully crafted questions in conjunction with the ability to listen, feel and decipher symbols becomes your GPS for creative direction and momentary enlightenment. But this all comes with a price, stop doing it and become overwhelmed with the fear of losing the gift, your obligation is non-negotiable. [2]
The creative strives relentlessly, driven by guilt and unknown purpose, to create objects that are meant to influence some unidentifiable audience in some undesignated location with an unfathomable memorandum. The creative's reward being a sense of purpose and maybe five minutes of ecstasy, before it's on to the next creation.
Welcome to my world