I always feel most creative and inspired after I clean. For this reason, we are both anxious for our upcoming show to come and go. There's a cleansing effect to this and its time to get back to work. Right now, our studio is filled with pseudo stopped clocks, lives that been put on pause it seems, our art, and potential parts of work are just waiting, literally collecting dust. The art itself is starving.
The Evolution of a Piece.
Canvas edge detail of Jerkwater Grave.
I document my work not for these post-worthy purposes, but I like to snap an in progress pic so I can refer to it at any time throughout the day. This allows me to easily "step back" and view it from a perspective that I can't always in my studio.
Well Hung
Having created these works under the same roof and for the most part in the same room, you would think it would be easy to put a grouping together for a show. There would just have to be obvious connections, whether it be color or subject, right? Truthfully it was a challenge selecting the right works for this joint show.